Diligent Productions

About The Project

Fairchoice is a licensed mortgage and financial company that provides insurance, mortgage, and financial services targeting families. Looking to increase brand awareness nationwide, the company approached us for a refreshed brand identity and new finance website.

Fairchoice Financial

About The Project

Fairchoice is a licensed mortgage and financial company that provides insurance, mortgage, and financial services targeting families. Looking to increase brand awareness nationwide, the company approached us for a refreshed brand identity and new finance website.
+50% Digital Leads
300+ Homes Mortgaged
+200 Child Savings Plans Opened



Canada Child Savings Plan Ad Campaign

We created an ad for their digital marketing campaign that had drove results through campaigns on various media and social platforms. By telling a story it had an instant connection with its audience.


We create an online platform and database in which users can easily apply to financial plans and services through three steps and be contacted and connected with an agent and full plan strategically beneficial towards their financial situation within a couple minutes. We had also implemented the use of chatbots so users could  connect with Fairchoice with ease. We revamped their old website, implemented a database in which their clients accounts can easily be managed through a CM. We had built the platform with a friendly user interface in order to achieve maximum conversion from each site visit, increasing online revenues by 15% within the first three months.

Brand Development

1 King Street West, 48th Floor Toronto,

Ontario M5H 1A1,


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